Bhadreswar Municipality (BHADRESWAR MUNICIPALITY) is an old ULB established in 1869. It spans an area of 8.28 sq. kms. The cosmopolitan town has a mixture of Bengali, Hindi, Urdu, Telugu and Oriya speaking populations. While the Bengalis comprise the bulk of the people (50%), the others together make up for the rest. The non−Bengali speaking populations are migrants into BHADRESWAR MUNICIPALITY. It comprises 22 wards in year 2010. The industrial landscape shows the domination of jute mills few old private engineering factories set up in 1965ƒ66and some small scale cottage industries. The local economy provides options for engagement in bakery products, soft doll making, plastic goods etc. People are largely engaged as labour and the rest work in the cottage industries or as daily wage workers. Despite this, the unemployment rate in town is nearly 20%. There are also a large proportion of workers in sporadic or semi employment. Such a picture of employment is the reason for poverty in the town. Because of the poverty situation, the town has col....Read More

It’s a great privilege for me to place an overview of our municipality. This website aims at achieving the objective of creating a healthy society with the help of available resources, the human resources development being at the centre of all such activities. The twenty-first century being the century of rapid growth of urbanization, the development of the a`rea must have to maintain the pace with the growing need of services to the people. We must take into account that we would organize developmental activities on visualizing the problems to come rather than running after the problems created. We are proud that we had been in such a process during the last twelve years and could be able to utilize monetary allocations on plan fund in a right direction as a formidable part of 25 year plan.
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